Monday, November 11, 2013

Liquor Mixed with Beer: in the Clear

Everyone knows the drinking rule of thumb that goes "liquor before beer in the clear; beer before liquor never sicker." Right? Some people swear by it, but in my case if I switch back in forth between poisons I will always get sick. Here's a new trick: make a cocktail out of beer and liquor, drink at the same time, your body will be confused, you wont get sick. It's fool proof.

But really, beer cocktails are happening, and people seem to like them. With the extensive flavor options of craft beer available right now, it's actually pretty easy to mix beer with other alcohols and get a great result. Just be careful not to overdo it, these are classy craft beer drinks...not a vat of jungle juice at a frat house.

New recipes are for beer cocktails are popping up all the time on the web, but I've found some simple stand-outs to feature right now to get us going.

1. Corrido Prohibidos
I've never had luck when I drink beer, and then tequila, and then beer again, and then a quick shot of tequila as my nightcap. But maybe, just maybe, if I drink them at the same exact time I'll be A-OK.

2oz tequila
6oz Mexican beer (Mexican craft beer of choice: Cerveza de los Muertos, )
lime wedge
feel free to salt the glass if you're into that sort of thing
Cerveza de los Muertos: Beer of the Dead

Preparation: Pour tequila first, then tip the glass and add your Mexican craft beer. Place the lime on the glass and enjoy. For best results only drink one or two to avoid getting into a fight, going to jail, or waking up naked in a stranger's front yard.

2. Redneck Mother
Prepare this in a mason jar, sit in a rocking chair and eat something deep-fried. This "beer-tail" has a definite southern twang.

1 oz grapefruit juice
1 oz sloe gin
4 oz blonde ale
2 oz ginger beer (i.e. Good Juju)

Preparation: First add the juice and sloe gin to the bottom of your drinking vessel. Next add in your blonde ale, and whatever room you have left in the glass top off with the ginger beer. Sip slowly and then boom: it's instantly summer.

3. Lay Lady Lay
I love Bob Dylan, so naturally if a beer-tail is named after one of his songs I have to drink it. I don't even like lambics, but I'm doing this for Bob.

2 oz fruity lambic (try Upland Brewing's Raspberry Lambic)
2 oz sparkling wine
1 oz ginger syrup
a couple of fresh berries

Preparation: Dump the lambic, sparkling wine, and ginger syrup into a wine glass. Plop in some ice cubes, give it a swirl and toss in your berries. Take dainty sips as you slow dance with your cat to "Lay, Lady, Lay."

4. Hangman's Blood
This is the Godfather, the Papa Burgundy, the Master and Commander if you will of beer-tails. This beer cocktail is designed to put hair on your chest no matter your gender. Drink with caution.

1 oz gin
1 oz rum
1 oz whiskey
1 oz brandy
1 oz port
5 oz stout (recipe calls for Guinness. I say use your favorite craft stout)
4 oz champagne

Preparation: Pour all five shots into a big-ass glass. Add your stout. Top off your combination of poisons with some champagne. Drink. Try no to die.

These are just a few beer-tail recipes that are out there. Beer infused cocktails are getting pretty popular, so don't feel like an alcoholic when you experiment with different recipes. Also, feel free to create your your own mixed drink concoctions. If you come up with anything good tell me about it immediately: in case you can't tell, I like to try new drinks.

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