Thursday, November 7, 2013

Brace Yourself: Winter Beers are Coming

The Christmas beer season is upon us. I don’t care that Thanksgiving hasn’t happened yet. I don’t care that it’s technically “autumn.” I don’t care that I still see leaves on 40% of the trees surrounding my house. I like new things. And I love that a whole season of craft brews are starting to pop up on the shelves.

My kick-ass craft beer store Siciliano’s stocked their impressive shelf space with the first round of winter ales last week. This week I’m finally drinking them. There are a ton of seasonally spiced brews, so instead of bah-humbugging that it’s only November, start drinking instead.

Since Grand Rapids had some snow flakes today, my first beer of the winter season was a Yellow Snow IPA from Rogue brewing out of Oregon. Yes, I bought this beer because of the hilarious name. No, it did not taste like snow covered in piss.
Fun Fact: Yellow Snow IPA was first brewed for the 2000 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City
Yellow Snow IPA clocks in at pretty drinkable 6.5% ABV. This ale features Amarillo Hops. A definite bitterness was prominent start to finish—but it wasn’t too overwhelming. Grapefruit and lemon zest meshed well with the bitterness and kept the brew fairly complex. Other standout flavors included pine, earthy malt and a little floral essence. Although this IPA follows suit with classic bitterness, Yellow Snow IPA still manages to be slightly sweet and fruity. Just because it looks like pee from a dehydrated person doesn’t mean it has to taste like it. Nice job Rogue Ales, teaching people that appearances and names aren’t everything. We can all take a page out of Rogue's book.

I’ll also be reviewing winter beers that have NOTHING to do with urine this season. So, if you can’t stomach Yellow Snow stick around, I’ll have jollier brews to get you in the Christmas spirit. Tis the season—almost. 

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