Friday, November 22, 2013

Foundations for a Great Beer

Water is super important for our bodies, and our environment and blah, blah, blah—you know that. Maybe what you didn’t know is the importance of water quality in beer. As one of the four main components the region and cleanliness of the water you use for your brew can make a huge difference in the final product.

Over 95% of beer is water, so brewers select water with the same precision as they chose their hops, malt, and yeast. This isn’t prison wine that our artisan brewers are making, it’s craft beer. Brewers actually attend regional water tastings to select a supply of water with the best mineral composition. Call me crazy, but I’m not making this up.

Home brewers can even submit a sample of their tap water to WARD Laboratories to find out if the water has the optimal level of ions and minerals for beer making. Usually when we brew at my house, we get purified spring water just because our tap water isn’t quite up to snuff. To make the best beer you have to start with the best water. That's what all of the popular microbrews do.

A lot of microbreweries apply the same snobbiness to their quality of water as well. Rogue Ales always points out that their beer is brewed with “free range coastal waters.” Right Brain Brewery in Michigan supports clean water acts because the water used in Right Brain’s brew is taken from the West Bay in Traverse City. Left Hand Brewing utilizes the crisp Rocky Mountain springs to give an extra push of quality to their awesome brews. Plus, when microbreweries depend on a steady and clean supply of water for their product, they usually push to keep the water source that way. So I guess when we drink  craft beer that uses top-notch water, we're saving the environment. Go us.

On the topic of water, while drinking you should definitely hydrate. I usually am told to drink a glass of water for every beer that I drink, but I just don’t have enough room in my stomach to hold it all. I’m getting better though. My nurse roommate is threatening to hook me up to an I.V. soon if I continue my route of dehydration. So, what have we learned? Water is great for beer and for your body. Super simple stuff. 

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