This past weekend as I was drinking PBR directly from a pitcher and getting into all sorts of trouble, the brew bigwigs of the nation were at their own Olympics. The Great American Beer Festival has been happening since 1982, and every year there's more and more competition, and harder competition. Don't worry though Michiganders, Michigan brewers held their own out in Denver.
I didn't actually go, because I don't brew, or work in a brewery, or get paid for my blog, or really have any presence in the craft beer world, buuuuuut, I do have access to the GABF webpage. That webpage has pictures, events and the results of the huge beer competition. If you want to see other great beers that won besides Michigan, take a little peek:
Here I have the beers of Michigan that took home Gold, Silver and Bronze:
Pilgrim's Dole

Earned a Gold in the Old Ale or Strong Ale
Dragon's Milk Reserve - Smaug's Breath
New Holland Brewing
Earned Silver in Experimental Brewing
Sparkleberry Ale
Bell's Brewery
Earned a Bronze in Fruit Beer
XX Dwarf
Detroit Beer Co.
Earned a Bronze in Other Strong Beer
Good thing I have a Groupon for New Holland Brewing, time to go drink some winners. But really, aren't all decent beers winners? Of course they are. Congrats to all of the competitors for making damn good beer.
Pilgrims Dole is amazing.... not many have hears of it... even less have tried it. Definitely a craft brew worth laying down for a bit. Bells is actually starting to create magic again...thank the beer and dragons milk... need I say more ;-) there have also.been plenty of craftbeer events popping up all over michigan...some good some real shitty
ReplyDelete...I think its about time.we start having our own beer festival...after all... Michigan is booming with over 100 breweries and brew pubs... dam right! Quote time... - In todays world the thought of a "favorite" would just be limiting -G. Koch
If you create a Michigan beer festival, I'll be there!